5-Paragraph Essay: Outline, Topics, & Example

  • 📍 What Is a 5-Paragraph Essay?
  • 🔩 5-Paragraph Essay Outline
  • 📝 5-Paragraph Essay Template
  • 💡 5-Paragraph Outline Parts Example
  • 🎓 40 Simple Essay Topics
  • ✉️ 5- Paragraph Essay Example

📍 What Is a 5 Paragraph Essay?

A five-paragraph essay is a typical writing assignment in schools and colleges. It consists of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Usually, it is the basis of learning how to write an essay.

In many cases, a 5-paragraph essay doesn’t require any research. That is why it shouldn’t take long to write it. You would need less than a couple of hours to plan, write, and edit a 500-word essay.

This task aims to help you learn how to structure and present your thoughts. You also master formulating a thesis statement while preparing such a paper.

🔩Five-Paragraph Essay Outline: How to Make

An outline is the foundation of your paper. Here, we will explain how to create an outline and provide some examples:

5-Paragraph Essay Format

  • Hook (1-2 sentences). Engage readers with a provocative question, joke, metaphor, saying, or surprising fact.
  • Introduction of arguments (1-3 sentences). Briefly describe the argumentation line without revealing too much information.
  • Thesis statement (1-2 sentences). Make it the core of your paper. All the body paragraphs rely on a thesis statement.
  • Topic sentence . Describe the focus of the section.
  • Argument . Develop the thought you mentioned in your thesis statement.
  • Example . Support the claim you have made in the previous sentence. You can describe your life experience or refer to some credible sources .
  • Concluding sentence . Use the last sentence of a paragraph to switch to the next one.
  • Reviewed introduction . Remind the readers what the essay began with.
  • Paraphrased thesis statement . Use unique wording and consider changing sentence structure to not repeat yourself.
  • Summary of the arguments . Remind your readers how you’ve developed your thoughts in the paper.
  • Closing sentence . This signals that the essay is finished and your last chance to make an impression. You can leave your readers with a feeling of completeness or uncertainty – it depends on the purpose of your writing.

5-Paragraph Essay Outline: Hamburger Model

Yes, that’s right! A 5 paragraph essay shares many features with a hamburger . Think about it:

  • Two buns that mirror each other, like introduction and conclusion.
  • The main ingredient, meat, is the same as the body of your paper.
  • Additional components that depend on your taste.

And here is our recipe for a perfect essay:

The picture shows a 5 paragraph essay structure in a hamburger model.

📝 5-Paragraph Essay Outline Template

When you create an outline, you need to describe the content of each paragraph in 2-3 short sentences.

Here is a 5-paragraph essay outline template . Feel free to use it and contact us if you have any questions.

💡5 Paragraph Outline: Parts with Examples

Now it’s time to observe. We created samples for each essay paragraph. The topic is environmental pollution . Check out the passage below:

5 Paragraph Essay Introduction Example

People contribute to the decline of their living standards every day. There is no doubt you do it too. You buy plastic or paper goods, dispose of them, and drive instead of using public transport. These actions lead to pollution, deforestation, and countless human and animal diseases. People harm the environment and the quality of their lives every day. It happens simultaneously when we burn fuels, cut down the forests, and dispose of too much waste.

5 Paragraph Essay Body Paragraph Example 1

Driving a car might seem a harmless activity, but it is one of the main reasons for air pollution. It results in worse respiratory health and many other illnesses in addition to environmental problems. Traffic air pollution is a common problem in big cities. It leads to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and allergies. Moreover, air contamination is especially harmful to children. Car fumes also contain greenhouse gases that cause climate change. That is why we need to watch how we use cars, drive less, and choose cleaner vehicles.

5 Paragraph Essay Body Paragraph Example 2

Overconsumption is another significant factor causing environmental pollution. Surrounded by numerous advertisements, we tend to buy a lot. We change our phones more often, buy trendy clothes each season, etc. As a result, more than 2 billion tons of waste are generated worldwide every year. Besides a direct environmental impact, there's also damage to human health, especially in developing countries. E-waste materials that constitute a big part of global waste expose toxic substances that are critically harmful to people. The consumption rates should be lowered: consumers should buy only items of necessity, and producers should produce better quality products that will last longer.

5 Paragraph Essay Body Paragraph Example 3

Deforestation might have an even more significant effect on the environment than driving a car and overconsumption. It influences animals, people, plants, and global water cycles. Here are three reasons why forests have to be preserved. First, they provide habitat and food for more than half of the Earth's land-based animals and plants. Second, cutting trees damages the process of absorbing carbon dioxide, which, as a result, goes into the air. Last but not least, forests regulate water cycles and water supply in some regions; people's lives depend on clean water and the biodiversity of forests. Despite all these daily processes, organizations and activists are fighting to preserve forests and ecosystems.

5 Paragraph Essay Conclusion Example

We need to be aware that Earth contamination is harmful to nature and humans. Driving cars and buying the goods we do not need cause environmental pollution because of the fuels used in car engines and the production cycle. Cutting down the forests leads to a lack of air filtration and reinforces air contamination. We choose what kind of future we want to build. That is why we have the power to change the environmental situation by changing our habits.

🎓 5-Paragraph Essay Topics

There are endless topic ideas for a 5-paragraph essay. Below is a list of our favorites. You can use them to practice writing a 5 paragraph essay or any other paper:

  • What are the features of the college of your dream?
  • Types and causes of water pollution.
  • How do you see your future ten years from now?
  • Definition and types of plagiarism.
  • Why do people live with pets?
  • The overcrowding problem in prisons.
  • The importance of soft skills in the workplace.
  • Voluntary euthanasia: for and against.
  • Should mobile phones be allowed at school?
  • Genetically modified foods: effects on human health.
  • The food we have to remove from our diets.
  • How do teachers deal with bullying in classes?
  • Why is education important for children?
  • The role of police in crime prevention.
  • The reasons to be environmentally conscious.
  • Managing employees with disabilities.
  • My favorite animal in the wild nature.
  • Becoming a police officer in the US.
  • Does money make people happy?
  • The role of nursing in modern society.
  • The best studying strategy you have used.
  • Should college athletes be paid?
  • How do people choose friends?
  • Are we too dependent on computers?
  • What music genre is your favorite?
  • Career paths in supply chain management.
  • Describe the main qualities of a successful student.
  • The European conventions on human rights.
  • How to avoid conflicts with siblings?
  • Core competencies of nurse practitioners.
  • The most important lesson life has taught you.
  • Good education and its main principles.
  • What are your current academic goals?
  • The connection between war and poverty.
  • Why do we need hobbies and leisure time?
  • Ethical decision-making in difficult situations.
  • My favorite American feature film.
  • Laws regulating civilian gun ownership.
  • The reasons to be physically active every day.
  • The problem of childhood obesity.

✉️ Simple Five-Paragraph Essay Example

Here is a complete paper sample. Read the 5-paragraph essay about dogs below.

Five-Paragraph Essay about Dogs

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened,” Anatole France said. Indeed, the unconditional love of animals makes us better people. Even today, when living with animals has lost its original practical value (pasturing cattle or guarding homes), most families have dogs. According to the findings of the latest studies, furry friends can aid a person’s health and social well-being. Whereas adopting a pet means taking responsibility, living with it makes a person more optimistic, life-loving and stress-resistant. Adopting a dog makes a person more optimistic. Caring for an animal boosts your social activity. Dogs don’t only fetch you balls and Frisbees; they also can bring you good company, filling your life with pleasant moments and positive emotions. You meet new people at the dog parks, at the vet’s, and in the neighborhood. In their presence, owners feel at ease and easily make new acquaintances. Looking at their cheerful furry friends, people learn to enjoy life like their pets do. “Communication with a dog has several health benefits and helps its owners resist stress. Owning a pet has proven to decrease blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Rubbing against your legs, purring, and sitting on your lap, animals help you relax and forget all your troubles. Due to their sensitivity to smells and body temperatures, animals can detect and help to cure some diseases. For instance, many people believe that a cat laying on a particular part of your body is healing organs by absorbing bad energy. Spending time with your pets can have positive therapeutic effects, decreasing stress and the risk of cardiovascular diseases. “Even though sometimes caring for dogs can be time-consuming, it’s one of the best ways to spend excessive energy. Sure, nobody is happy with all that hair all over the house, broken things, or waking up in the middle of the night only because a pet wants your company. However, owners forget all those trifles, looking into the devoted eyes of their dogs. Moreover, caring for an animal teaches responsibility and compassion. It can be a significant investment of excessive energy. “Living with a dog can change your life, boost your energy and social activity, and bring you many positive emotions. Pets can cure their owners, detecting potential health problems and preventing them. Some inconveniences caused by caring for a dog, such as early rising and broken things, are nothing compared to humans’ benefits from adopting a pet.

The final step of any paper is its title page. There is no need to create it yourself every time. Use our title page maker to deal with it efficiently.

❓5-Paragraph Essay: FAQ

How many words should a five paragraph essay be.

It depends on the instructions you receive. The standard word count is 500-600 words or three pages. However, it can reach up to 1200 words depending on your academic level. Usually, when you need more words, you also need more body paragraphs to prove your thesis.

How to Structure a Five Paragraph Essay?

Planning is the key. Once you know your topic, try to create an outline with a thesis statement. Proceed with the introduction, body, and conclusion. Then describe each of the paragraph’s contents briefly. Edit your essay to remove all the logical errors and inconsistencies when writing.

How Long Does It Take to Write a Five Paragraph Essay?

It can take from 30 minutes to 3 hours of writing. Add a minimum of 15 minutes for planning and 15 minutes for editing. The time you need to complete a paper depends on the complexity of the topic. The research and formatting sources are also important.

How Long Should an Introduction Be for a Five Paragraph Essay?

It should be 10-15% of your paper. Let’s count. If you need to write a 600-word essay, you will need to not more than 90 words for the introduction. In a 1000-word paper, the opening is up to 150 words. You can use the same rule for your conclusion.

Research Paper Analysis: How to Analyze a Research Article + Example

Film analysis: example, format, and outline + topics & prompts.


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How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay: Guide with Structure, Outline & Examples

5-Paragraph Essay

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A 5-paragraph essay   is a common assignment in high school and college, requiring students to follow a standard structure. This essay format consists of five main components: an introduction paragraph, followed by 3 body paragraphs, and a final paragraph. Each paragraph serves a specific purpose and contributes to the overall coherence and organization of the essay.

Since this is one of the most popular assignments teachers give, you should be prepared to write using a five paragraph essay format. From structure and outline template to actual examples, we will explain how to write a 5 paragraph essay with ease. Follow our suggestions and you will be able to nail this task.

What Is a 5-Paragraph Essay: Definition

A 5-paragraph essay is as simple as it sounds: an essay composed of five paragraphs. It's made up of five distinct sections, namely an introduction , 3 body paragraphs and a concluding section . However, a 5 paragraph essay goes beyond just creating 5 individual sections. It's a method of organizing your thoughts and making them interconnected. 

Despite its straightforward 5-paragraph format, there's more going on beneath the surface. When writing a 5-paragraph essay, you should address the main objective of each part and arrange every section properly. 

Let’s learn about each of these sections more in detail.

5-Paragraph Essay Structure 

A five-paragraph essay structure is often compared to a sandwich that has 3 distinct layers:

  • Introduction: This initial paragraph should introduce the main topic and tell what will be discussed further in the essay.
  • Body: This part consists of three body paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of your subject.
  • Conclusion: The final paragraph rounds off the main points and offers key takeaways.

As you can notice, each of these sections plays an important role in creating the overall piece.

5-Paragraph Essay Outline & Template Example 

Imagine heading out for a journey in the woods without a map. You'd likely find yourself wandering aimlessly, right? Similarly, venturing into writing an essay without a solid essay outline is like stepping into the academic jungle without a guide. Most high school and college students ignore this step for the sake of time. But eventually they end up writing a five-paragraph essay that lacks a clear organization. 

It’s impossible to figure out how to write a 5-paragraph essay without having a well-arranged outline in front. Here’s a five-paragraph essay outline example showing subsections of each major part. 

5 Paragraph Essay Outline Example

  • Hook: Spark the reader's interest.
  • Brief background: Provide a general context or background.
  • Thesis statement: State the main argument or position.
  • Topic sentence: Introduce the main point of this paragraph.
  • Supporting evidence/example 1: Provide data, examples, quotes, or anecdotes supporting your point.
  • Analysis: Explain how your evidence supports your thesis.
  • Transition: Tie the paragraph together and link to the next paragraph.
  • Supporting evidence/example 2 : Provide further supporting evidence.
  • Analysis: Discuss how the evidence relates back to your thesis.
  • Transition: Summarize the point and smoothly shift to the next paragraph.
  • Topic sentence: Present the main idea of this paragraph.
  • Supporting evidence/example 3: Offer additional support for your thesis.
  • Analysis: Show how this backs up your main argument.
  • Transition: Sum up and signal the conclusion of the body section.
  • Thesis reiteration: Revisit your main argument accounting for the evidence provided.
  • Summary: Briefly go over the main points of your body paragraphs.
  • Final thoughts: Leave the reader with a parting thought or question to ponder.

How to Write a 5-Paragraph Essay Outline? 

When creating an outline for 5-paragraph essay, begin by identifying your topic and crafting a thesis statement. Your thesis statement should encapsulate your main argument. Identify 3 ideas that support your thesis to lay the foundation of your body section. For each point, think about examples and explanations that will help convince the reader of your perspective. Finally, plan what you will include in the concluding section. 

Throughout this process, remember that clarity and organization are key. While it's not necessary for your 5-paragraph outline to be "perfect", it is indeed important for it to be arranged logically. 

Below, you can spot an example of an outline created based on these instructions.

How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay Step-by-Step?

There is nothing difficult about writing a 5-paragraph essay. All you need to do is to just start creating the first sentence. But for most of us, it;s easier said than done. For this reason, we prepared informative step-by-step guidelines on how to write a 5-paragraph essay that your teacher will like. 

As we navigate these stages, remember that good writing isn't a destination, it's a process. So grab your notebook (or laptop) and let's dive into the art of crafting your five-paragraph essay.

>> Learn more: How to Write an Essay

1. Understand the Task at Hand 

The initial step is to make sure you have a full grasp of your assignment instructions. How well you understand the given guidelines can either make or break your 5-paragraph essay. Take a few minutes to read through your instructor’s requirements and get familiar with what you're supposed to do: 

  • What’s your topic? Do you need to choose one yourself?
  • What  essay type  do you need to write – argumentative , expository or informative essay ?
  • What’s your primary goal – persuade, analyze, descibe or inform?
  • How long should an essay be ? Is there any specific word count?

Understanding these crucial details will help you remain on course.

2. Research and Take Notes 

Now that you have a good idea of your assignment, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start researching. Spend some quality time gathering relevant resources to get acquainted with the discussed topic. Make sure you don;t refer to outdated resources. Always give a preference to credible, recent sources.

Read these sources carefully and jot down important facts – this is what will form the basis of your essay's body section. Also, you will need to save the online sources to cite them properly.

3. Develop Your Thesis Statement

We can’t stress enough: your thesis statement will guide your entire essay. Write 1-2 sentences that convey your underlying idea. Keep in mind that your thesis  must be succinct. There is no need for long introductions or excessive details at this point.

4. Make an Outline 

A five-paragraph essay outline shows how your paper will be arranged. This visual structure can be represented using bullet points or numbers. You can come up with another format. But the main idea is to prepare a plan you are going to stick to during the writing process. 

Did you know that you can send an outline to professionals and have your essay written according to the structure. Order essay from academic experts should you need any assistance.

5. Write an Introduction Paragraph 

To start a 5-paragraph essay, compose an attention-grabbing statement, such as a question or fact. This is also known as an essay hook – an intriguing opening sentence. Its goal is to spark curiosity and draw your reader into your topic.

Next, you need to establish a background and show what;s under the curtains. Write 1-2 contextual sentences helping your reader understand the broad issue you're about to discuss.

Your 5-paragraph essay introduction won’t be complete without a thesis statement – the heart of your writing. This 1 or 2-sentence statement clearly expresses the main point you will develop throughout your essay. Make sure your thesis is specific, debatable, and defensible.

>> Read more: How to Start an Essay

6. Create a Body Part 

A body section of a standard 5-paragraph essay layout comprises 3 paragraphs. Each body paragraph should contain the most important elements of the discussion:  

  • Topic sentence  
  • Detailed explanation
  • Supporting evidence from credible sources
  • Further exploration of examples
  • Transition.

Begin your body paragraph by introducing a separate aspect related to your thesis statement. For example, if you are writing about the importance of physical activity, your body paragraph may start this way: 

Don’t just make a bold statement. You will need to expand on this idea and explain it in detail. You should also incorporate facts, examples, data, or quotes that back up your topic sentence. Your evidence should sound realistic. Try to draw the examples from personal experience or  recent news. On top of that, you should analyze how this evidence ties back to your overall argument. 

It’s not a good idea to finish your body paragraph just like that. Add essay transition words to keep your five-paragraph paper cohesive. 

>> Read more: How to Write a Body Paragraph

7. Write a Concluding Paragraph 

Wrapping up your 5-paragraph essay might seem like a breeze after developing your introductory and body parts. Yet, it's crucial to ensure your conclusion is equally impactful. Don't leave it to the reader to join the dots – restate your thesis statement to reinforce your main argument. Follow this by a brief recap of the 2-3 key points you've discussed in your essay.

The last taste should be the best, so aim to end your 5-paragraph essay on a high note. Craft a compelling closing sentence that underscores the importance of your topic and leaves your reader considering future implications.

>> Learn more: How to Write a Conclusion for an Essay

8. Review and Revise

Your 5-paragraph essay should be up to scratch now. However, double-check your work for any errors or typos. It's worth revising your essay at least twice for maximum impact. Our practice shows that revising your essay multiple times will help you refine the arguments, making your piece more convincing.

As you proofread, make sure the tone is consistent, and each sentence contributes something unique to the overall point of view. Also, check for spelling and grammar errors. 

Once you're happy with your 5-paragraph essay, submit it to your teacher or professor.

5 Paragraph Essay Example

Students can ease their life by exploring a sample five paragraph essay example shared by one the writers. Consider buying a college essay if you want your homework to be equally good.

Extra 5-Paragraph Writing Tips 

Here’re some bonus tips on how to write a good 5-paragraph essay:

  • Be clear and concise Avoid fluff and filler. Every sentence should contribute to your argument or topic.
  • Keep paragraphs focused Each paragraph should be dedicated to an individual point or idea.
  • Use strong evidence To support your points, use solid evidence. This could be statistics, research findings, or relevant quotes from experts.
  • Use active voice Active voice makes writing direct and dynamic. It puts the subject of the sentence in the driver's seat, leading the action.
  • Avoid first-person pronouns To maintain a formal, academic tone, try to avoid first-person pronouns (I, me, my, we, our). First-person pronouns are acceptable only when writing a narrative essay , personal statement or college application essay .

Final Thoughts on How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay 

Writing a five-paragraph essay may seem challenging at first, but with practice and determination it can become a piece of cake. Don’t forget to use your secret power – an outline, so that you have a clear idea of what points to cover in each paragraph. Make sure that you stick to the right format and cite your sources consistently. With these tips and 5 paragraph essay examples, you will be able to write an effective piece.

If any questions pop out, do not hesitate to leave the comments below or contact our professional writing service for expert assistance with your “ write an essay for me ” challenge.


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Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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A staggering report by the World Health Organization reveals that poor diet contributes to more disease than physical inactivity, alcohol, and smoking combined. In our fast-paced world, convenience often trumps health when it comes to food choices. With an alarming rise in obesity and diet-related illnesses, a closer look at our eating habits is more critical than ever. For this reason, adopting a healthy diet is essential for individual health, disease prevention, and overall wellbeing.
Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 
First and foremost, a healthy diet plays a pivotal role in maintaining individual health and vitality. A balanced diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, provides the essential nutrients our bodies need to function effectively. A research study by the American Heart Association found that individuals who adhered to a healthy eating pattern had a 25% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. This data emphasizes that a proper diet is not just about staying in shape. It directly affects critical health outcomes, impacting our susceptibility to serious health conditions like heart disease. While the implications of diet on personal health are substantial, the preventative power of healthy eating against disease is equally noteworthy, as we shall explore next.
As was outlined in this essay, a balanced diet isn't just a lifestyle choice, but an essential tool for maintaining individual health, preventing disease, and promoting overall wellbeing. Healthy eating directly affects our personal health, its power in disease prevention, and how it contributes to a sense of wellness. What we consume profoundly impacts our lives. Therefore, a commitment to healthy eating isn't merely an act of self-care; it's a potent declaration of respect for the life we've been given.


FAQ About Five-Paragraph Essays

1. how long is a 5-paragraph essay.

A five-paragraph essay typically ranges from 300  to 500 words, depending on the topic and type of paper. It's important to consider the length of your essay when determining how much information you want to include in each paragraph. For shorter essays, it is best to stick to one main point per paragraph so that your essay remains concise and focused.

2. What is a 5-paragraph format?

The five-paragraph essay format is a classic structure used to organize essays and persuasive pieces. It consists of an introduction (which includes your thesis statement), 3 body paragraphs that explain each point, and a conclusion which sums up your fundamental ideas. Each paragraph should feature one main aspect, with supporting evidence discovered during research.

3. How to start a 5-paragraph essay?

The best way to start a five-paragraph essay is by writing an engaging introduction that contains your thesis statement. Your first paragraph should provide readers with some context as well as introduce your main argument. Make sure to cover at least 2 or 3 points in your thesis statement so that you have something to elaborate on further in your text.

Guide on How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay Effortlessly

5 paragraph essay sample outline

What is a 5-paragraph Essay

5-paragraph essay is a common format used in academic writing, especially in schools and standardized tests. This type of essay is structured into five distinct sections: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction serves to present the main topic and ends with a thesis statement, which outlines the primary argument or points that will be discussed. This format is favored because it provides a clear and organized way to present information and arguments.

The three body paragraphs each focus on a single point that supports the thesis statement. Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph, followed by supporting details, examples, and evidence. This structured approach helps the writer stay on topic and provides the reader with a clear understanding of the arguments being made. The consistency in structure also aids in the logical flow of the essay, making it easier for the reader to follow and comprehend the writer's points.

The conclusion, the final paragraph, summarizes the main points discussed in the essay and restates the thesis in a new way. It provides closure to the discussion and reinforces the essay's main argument. The 5-paragraph essay format is an effective tool for teaching students how to organize their thoughts and present them clearly and logically. It is a foundational skill that serves as a building block for more complex writing tasks in the future.

Guide on How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay

Writing a 5-paragraph essay becomes manageable if you follow these simple and effective tips below from our admission essay writing service :

How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay

1. Plan Before You Write: Before you start writing, create an outline to organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas. This will help you stay on track and cover all your points. Draft an outline with headings for the introduction, each body paragraph, and the conclusion. Under each heading, jot down the main points and supporting details.

2. Focus on Main Points : Stick to your main arguments and avoid adding unnecessary information. This keeps your essay clear and easy to understand. If your thesis is about the benefits of exercise, each body paragraph should discuss a specific benefit, such as improved health, increased energy, or better mood.

3. Maintain a Smooth Flow : Use transition words to link your paragraphs and ideas. This helps the reader follow your argument seamlessly.

Examples : "Furthermore," "In addition," "Moreover," "On the other hand," "In conclusion."

Example Sentence : "In addition to improving physical health, exercise also enhances mental well-being."

4. Provide Strong Evidence: Use facts, examples, and quotes to back up your arguments. This makes your essay more convincing and credible.

Example : "According to a study by the World Health Organization, regular physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic diseases by up to 30%."

5. Vary Your Sentence Structure : Mix short and long sentences to keep your writing engaging. This helps maintain the reader's interest and makes your essay more dynamic.

6. Proofread and Revise : Review your essay for grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and unclear sentences. Make necessary revisions to improve clarity and coherence. : After writing your essay, take a break and then read it again. This helps you spot mistakes you might have missed initially.

7. Stay Focused on Your Thesis: Ensure that all your paragraphs support your thesis statement. If your thesis is about the importance of education, every paragraph should relate to how education impacts individuals and society.

8. Manage Your Time: Allocate specific times for planning, writing, and revising your essay. This helps you stay organized and avoid last-minute stress. For example, spend 10 minutes outlining, 30 minutes writing, and 10 minutes proofreading for a 50-minute essay task.

5 paragraph essay sample outline

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5 Paragraph Essay Format

The five-paragraph essay format is designed to provide a clear and straightforward structure for presenting ideas and arguments. This format is broken down into an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion, each serving a specific purpose in the essay.

Types of 5 Paragraph Essay 

There are several types of five-paragraph essays, each with a slightly different focus or purpose. Here are some of the most common types of five-paragraph essays:

Types of 5 Paragraph Essay 

  • Narrative essay : A narrative essay tells a story or recounts a personal experience. It typically includes a clear introductory paragraph, body sections that provide details about the story, and a conclusion that wraps up the narrative.
  • Descriptive essay: A descriptive essay uses sensory language to describe a person, place, or thing. It often includes a clear thesis statement that identifies the subject of the description and body paragraphs that provide specific details to support the thesis.
  • Expository essay: An expository essay offers details or clarifies a subject. It usually starts with a concise introduction that introduces the subject, is followed by body paragraphs that provide evidence and examples to back up the thesis, and ends with a summary of the key points.
  • Persuasive essay: A persuasive essay argues for a particular viewpoint or position. It has a thesis statement that is clear, body paragraphs that give evidence and arguments in favor of it, and a conclusion that summarizes the important ideas and restates the thesis.
  • Compare and contrast essay: An essay that compares and contrasts two or more subjects and looks at their similarities and differences. It usually starts out simply by introducing the topics being contrasted or compared, followed by body paragraphs that go into more depth on the similarities and differences, and a concluding paragraph that restates the important points.

Don’t forget, you can save time and reduce the stress of academic assignments by using our research paper writing services to help you.

5 Paragraph Essay Example Topics

Choosing a specific and interesting topic can make your essay stand out. Here are 20 more engaging essay topics that provide a good starting point for your 5-paragraph paper:

  • Why Is Recycling Important for Our Planet?
  • The Day I Met My Best Friend
  • How Does Playing Sports Benefit Children?
  • What Are the Challenges of Being a Teenager Today?
  • A Time I Made a Difficult Decision
  • My Most Embarrassing Moment
  • How Can We Encourage People to Read More?
  • How I Spent My Last Summer Vacation
  • The Best Gift I Ever Received
  • What Makes a Good Friend?
  • My Experience Learning a New Skill
  • How Do Video Games Affect Our Brains?
  • Why Is It Important to Learn About Different Cultures?
  • The Day I Got My First Pet
  • How Can Schools Better Prepare Students for the Future?
  • An Adventure I Will Never Forget
  • A Time I Helped Someone in Need
  • What Are the Pros and Cons of Remote Work?
  • The Most Interesting Person I Have Met
  • How Does Peer Pressure Affect Our Decisions?

General Grading Rubric for a 5 Paragraph Essay

The following is a general grading rubric that can be used to evaluate a five-paragraph essay:

Based on the points discussed, your paper needs to show a good grasp of the topic, clear structure, strong writing skills, and critical thinking. Teachers use this rubric to assess essays comprehensively and give feedback on what you do well and where you can improve. If you want to simplify meeting your professors' expectations, you can buy an essay from our experts and see how it can ease your academic life!

Five Paragraph Essay Examples

Final thoughts.

Writing a five-paragraph essay might seem challenging at first, but it doesn't have to be difficult. By following these simple steps and tips, you can break down the process into manageable parts and create a clear, concise, and well-organized essay.

Start with a strong thesis statement, use topic sentences to guide your paragraphs, and provide evidence and analysis to support your ideas. Remember to revise and proofread your work to ensure it is error-free and coherent. With time and practice, you'll be able to write a five-paragraph essay with ease and confidence. Whether you're writing for school, work, or personal projects, these skills will help you communicate your ideas effectively!

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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  • Secrets of the Five-Paragraph Essay | UMGC Effective Writing Center . (n.d.). University of Maryland Global Campus. https://www.umgc.edu/current-students/learning-resources/writing-center/writing-resources/writing/secrets-five-paragraph-essay#:~:text=The%20five%2Dparagraph%20essay%20consists  
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How to write a 5-Paragraph Essay (Plus Outline and Example)


Most people like reading a well-structured, organized, and formatted essay. At least, this earns you a great grade in the eyes of the professor, teacher, or instructor. One way to achieve better grades is to organize your essay into five paragraphs. 

If you are assigned to write an essay about yourself, technology, leadership, friendship, global warming, and other subjects, you will find the five-paragraph essay format quite helpful. It enables you to write an essay with sound arguments backed by solid evidence and facts and can convince your readers.

The famous 5 paragraph essay is preferred for the formal essay writing process . You will have to choose a topic, come up with points, write a thesis statement, craft an outline, write the paper, and edit it before submitting it on time.

Because writing such an essay is not as hard as it is purported, let�s delve directly into the writing process. In this post, you will learn everything you need to know about writing five-paragraph essays.

What is a 5-paragraph essay?

A 5-paragraph essay is an essay that is five paragraphs long. The first paragraph is the introduction, and the last is the conclusion. In between these two paragraphs are three body paragraphs.

In brief, the five-paragraph essay can be outlined as follows:

Paragraph 1: Introduction

  • Essay hook or attention grabber
  • Background information on the topic
  • A three-point thesis statement detailing the points you will discuss in the body paragraphs.

Paragraph 2: First Main Point

  • Opening or topic sentence related to the thesis (mini-thesis)
  • supporting ideas (facts, evidence, statistics, and examples)
  • Concluding or closing sentence that transitions to the second body paragraph.

Paragraph 3: Second Main Point

  • Concluding or closing sentence that transitions to the third body paragraph.

Paragraph 4: Third Main Point

  • Concluding or closing sentence that transitions to the conclusion paragraph.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

  • Restate the thesis statement.
  • Summarize the main points.
  • Call-to-action or closing statement to offer your readers closure.

Five-paragraph essays are very popular at the college and graduate levels. The best way to write them is to research and create a detailed outline. 

Length : the standard length of a five-paragraph essay is between 500 words and 1200 words.  

Types of 5-paragraph essays common in standardized tests

There are five major types of five-paragraph essays.

  • Persuasive essays. A persuasive essay assignment will require you to choose a position and persuade or convince the reader. To write an excellent persuasive essay, you should use persuasive methods or strategies such as logos, pathos, and ethos in your essay.
  • Expository essays. Expository essays reveal or expose information. To write an excellent expository essay, you must conduct thorough research to get good and reliable information. And you must present the information in a structured way.
  • Descriptive essays . A descriptive essay assignment will require you to present information about a subject. To write an excellent descriptive essay, you must provide comprehensive information on the topic to ensure the reader can visualize and understand it.
  • Definition essays. A definition essay assignment will require you to define a concept, a premise, an idea, or something. When writing a definition essay, you must provide a comprehensive definition to get a high grade.
  • Argumentative essays. Argumentative essays are common in high school and college. They require students to research a topic, take a position, and defend the position with evidence. To write an excellent argumentative essay, you must include and refute a counterargument to your position.

Related Reading: How to write explanatory essays.

The 5-paragraph essay structure

Five-paragraph essays have a simple structure with three parts-introduction, body, and conclusion. Having looked at the brief structure earlier in the introductory stages of this article, let's delve deep into the structure so that you can know what goes where in an essay with five paragraphs.

1. Introduction

The introduction paragraph is the first paragraph. It is essential to take your time when writing your introduction. This is because a good introduction will give your reader a good first impression of your essay and make them want to read the rest of your essay.

A good introduction will also be like a lighthouse for you. It will have a strong thesis statement that will tell you what to focus on throughout the essay.

The introduction sets the tone of your essay. It also grabs the attention of the readers.

The body of your five-paragraph essay will include three paragraphs. It is the core of your essay. In the body of your essay, you want to provide all the information you gather during research to prove your thesis.

You should use relevant transition words to ensure some flow. Using linking words makes it easy to connect ideas.

Make sure each body focuses on a single argument supporting your central argument. Also, ensure your strongest supporting argument is in your first body paragraph and your second strongest supporting argument is in your second body paragraph. Follow the paragraph writing rules for formal writing when crafting the body paragraphs.

A well-written five-paragraph essay body section will give you the most marks in your essay. Remember always to use transition words between your sentences.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion paragraph is the last paragraph of the five. It is the one that your reader will read last. Therefore, it should leave a good impression. Start your conclusion paragraph by summarizing your thesis and your supporting arguments. You should avoid mentioning specific examples you already mentioned.

You should also avoid introducing new information or evidence in your conclusion paragraph. Once you have restated your supporting arguments, you should wrap everything up with a nice concluding sentence.

General Outline for a five-paragraph essay

In the section above, you discovered the standard structure of the five-paragraph essay. In this section, you will discover exactly what to write in each five-paragraph essay paragraph.

Creating an essay outline helps you to map out ideas in your essay .

The general outline of the five-paragraph essay has five paragraphs: the introduction paragraph, the first body paragraph, the second body paragraph, the third body paragraph, and the conclusion paragraph.

I. Introduction

  • Hook sentence
  • Background information

II. Body paragraph 1

  • Topic sentence (strongest supporting evidence)
  • Evidence (research information, evidence, examples, data)
  • Explanation (explanation of evidence)
  • Concluding sentence & transition sentence

III. Body paragraph 2

  • Topic sentence (second strongest supporting evidence)

IV. Body paragraph 3

  • Topic sentence (third strongest supporting evidence)

V. Conclusion

  • Restatement of thesis
  • Summary of main points
  • Essay concluding sentence

If you follow this general outline to prepare your five-paragraph essay outline, you will have an excellent outline that you can use to write an excellent essay.

Example of a five-paragraph essay outline

Topic: Why the United States defence budget should be cut

  • Hook sentence: The United States Department of Defense spends billions more than the next ten big spenders.
  • Background information: The Pentagon outspent every country in 2021, which is expected to continue for a long time.
  • Thesis: The United States' defence budget is multiple times bigger than China's. It is also bigger than the next ten countries combined. This budget should be cut, and the money should be spent on improving funding for social welfare programs.
  • Topic sentence: The Department of Defense outspends the next big military power by nearly $600 billion.
  • Evidence: SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace and Research Institute) data shows the US outspends everyone.
  • Explanation
  • Topic sentence: The United States has a mutual defence agreement with NATO, the largest military alliance globally.
  • Evidence: Information on the NATO official website shows that the organization has a collective defence clause to ensure the protection of member states.
  • Topic sentence: Cutting the defence budget can release hundreds of billions of dollars that can be used to finance social welfare programs.
  • Evidence: Cutting spending on defence just by half can release funds for spending on affordable housing and other welfare programs.
  • Restatement of thesis: The US spends more money than everyone else on defence.
  • Essay concluding sentence: Reducing the United States' defence budget even by half will not affect the country�s security. The country will still be spending double the amount its closest military rival is spending. The USA will remain secure, and plenty of money will be freed. This money can be used to improve funding for social welfare programs.

Step-by-step guide for writing a 5-paragraph Essay

A good five-paragraph essay must communicate the stance of the writer. You must plan adequately, research widely, choose sources, and write an organized essay in five paragraphs. To do so, and in the best way that would yield good results, follow the steps below.

1. Choose a topic

Before you start writing your five-paragraph essay, you must choose a topic. In many cases, you will be given a short list of topics in the instructions and asked to select one. So choose a topic that you are familiar with and can easily research.

In some cases, the topic is already chosen or set for you. If this is the case, skip to the step below.

2. Conduct research

Once you choose a topic or read and understand the topic you�ve been given, you should start your research. Google the topic and skim the reliable information you can find. Identify about five reliable sources with information on your topic and note these down.

Once you narrow down your sources, read the information available more keenly. Try to find the most relevant information according to your topic from your selected sources. Note down all the important ideas and points.

3. Write your thesis

Once you have conducted thorough research and noted all the important ideas and points, you should write your thesis. Your thesis should be the strongest idea or point you have noted in your research. You will surely find plenty of information to back it up if you have conducted thorough research.

When writing your thesis, make sure it is detailed, precise, and to the point. This will make it easier for you to research and find supporting arguments for your thesis. Rank your supporting arguments in terms of strength.

4. Create your outline

Using the information you have gathered in step 2 and the thesis you wrote in step 3, you should find it easy to create an outline for your five-paragraph essay. Simply use the essay outline template and example provided above to create your outline.

5. Write your first draft

Once you have created your outline, you should start writing your first draft immediately. A detailed outline will make it very easy for you to write your five-paragraph essay. Since it will be like a map to show you the way to the finish line (closing sentence). So make sure you create a comprehensive outline.

When writing your first draft, don�t try to make it perfect. Just write the words that come to mind and stick to your outline.

6. Edit and Proofread your first draft

After you write your essay and cite all your sources, you should start proofreading your essay. Read it out loud to make sure every sentence is understandable and in the right place. Edit everything challenging to understand.

Then edit all grammar mistakes and typos. Use software like Grammarly to proofread further and edit your first draft. Give it to a friend and tell them to highlight anything difficult to understand. Make modifications where necessary to further improve your draft.

After proofreading, as explained above, your essay will be ready to submit.

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Essay Topics and Ideas

Below are ten good five-paragraph essay example topics. Choose a topic and practice writing a five-paragraph essay when you have time.

  • Should former colonial nations pay former colonies for colonial exploitation?
  • Is college necessary in the age of the internet?
  • Should healthcare be free for everyone in the United States?
  • Racism in 21st-century America.
  • Should female students be taught in separate classes from male students?
  • Is it necessary to teach reproductive health to elementary school students?
  • What are the benefits of American space exploration?
  • What is the importance of good education?
  • Should the United Nations be abolished?
  • Are African countries doing enough to alleviate poverty?

Tips when writing a 5-paragraph Essay

  • Do not use abbreviations.
  • Do not share personal opinions or stories unless you are writing about your experience.
  • Do not use slang or casual language to avoid losing marks.
  • Avoid starting sentences with conjunctions. Doing this may be okay when writing articles but never okay when writing essays.
  • Do good research and structure your essay for maximum points.
  • Proofread your work thoroughly to eliminate all minor and major errors.
  • Cite where you get information from.
  • Do not exceed the word count to avoid getting penalized.

5-Paragraph Essay FAQs

Here are some common questions we get asked by clients regarding 5-paragraph essays.

How do you create an excellent five-paragraph essay?

Simply follow the information provided in this guide. But, most importantly, do not forget to conduct thorough research, create an outline, follow the outline, and proofread your work. You must proofread your work to discover and eliminate all errors and make your work extremely easy to understand.

How do I create an essay without major errors?

You eliminate all the minor and major mistakes by reading and re-reading your essay. Make sure your essay is easy to understand when reading it. After you read your essay, send it to your friend and ask them to read it and highlight mistakes for you. Your friend will most likely be able to catch some of the mistakes you failed to catch. If you eliminate these mistakes, your essay will be error-free.

What are run-on sentences?

Run-on sentences are sentences that contain two sentences joined together unwisely or incorrectly. You must avoid run-on sentences as they will make your work difficult to understand, and you will lose marks. Two or more sentences joined together correctly are welcome as they will make your work look creative and sophisticated. They will increase your chances of getting a good grade.

Should I use the thesaurus when writing my essay?

Yes, you should. When editing your work, you should use the thesaurus to find alternative words to the words that frequently appear throughout your essay. This will make your work sound more academic. However, you should not use too many uncommon words or vocabulary as they could make your essay sound unnatural or difficult to read.

Should I eliminate common phrases or clich�s in my essay?

Yes, you should. College professors and admission officers read dozens of essays per month. Therefore, using common phrases or clich�s in your essay will make your essay sound boring and unoriginal. So eliminate the common phrases and clich�s throughout your essay unless they are absolutely necessary.

Is flow important in my essay?

Yes, flow is essential. Flow is very important because it will make your essay easy to read and understand. To ensure your essay is flowing, you should conduct thorough research and organize the information you get in a proper outline. Outlining your essay before you write it will give it structure and flow. Also, make sure you use transition words in your essay to enhance flow further.

How do I create a good first impression for my essay?

The easiest way to create a good first impression for your essay is to start with an attention-grabbing hook statement. Use an interesting fact to grab your reader's attention with your first sentence. And then make sure the rest of your introduction is spot on. This will create a good first impression, making the reader assume the rest of the essay is as good as the intro.

Final Remarks!

You will have to write five-paragraph essays, especially in the first half of your college life. So if you do not know how to write one, you should learn how to do so. The information in this post should be sufficient for you to learn how to write an excellent five-paragraph essay.

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    Here's a simple 5-paragraph essay outline template: Five-Paragraph Essay Format. Introduction: Hook: Start with an engaging opening sentence. ... 5 Paragraph Essay Examples. Here is some free 5-paragraph essay example pdfs for you to download and get an idea of the format of this type of essay.

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    Don't know where to start a five-paragraph essay? Learn how to make an outline for your essay without the stress right here. Dictionary ... Tips for Writing Your 5-Paragraph Essay Outline. Beyond that basic structure, there's not much to the five-paragraph essay. You just kind of have to do it, but that can be easier said than done. ...

  4. PDF Five Paragraph Outline

    The outline is a tool that you will use to assist you in the construction of an essay draft. Below is a sample showing the basic elements of a five-paragraph essay. After looking at these basic elements, we will discuss how to apply these elements to an outline. Basic Elements . Paragraph 1: Introduction . The introductory paragraph should ...

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    ️ Simple Five-Paragraph Essay Example. Here is a complete paper sample. Read the 5-paragraph essay about dogs below. Five-Paragraph Essay about Dogs "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened," Anatole France said. Indeed, the unconditional love of animals makes us better people.

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    A 5-paragraph essay is a common assignment in high school and college, requiring students to follow a standard structure. This essay format consists of five main components: an introduction paragraph, followed by 3 body paragraphs, and a final paragraph. Each paragraph serves a specific purpose and contributes to the overall coherence and organization of the essay.

  7. PDF 5 Paragraph Essay Outline

    Paragraph unity means that all ideas in a paragraph are closely related to its topic sentence and further develop that topic sentence. That is, all sentences in a single paragraph must be unified around a central point or idea. Paragraph 1: Introduction 5 Paragraph Essay Outline Paragraph 2: Body Paragraph Paragraph 3: Body Paragraph Paragraph ...

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    5 Paragraph Essay Format. The five-paragraph essay format is designed to provide a clear and straightforward structure for presenting ideas and arguments. This format is broken down into an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion, each serving a specific purpose in the essay.


    [about three sentences if writing a five-paragraph essay] 3). Calls the reader to act, respond, or conduct further research on the topic Paragraph 1 Commentary (connects evidence to claim) Paragraph 2 Assertion (claim) ... SAMPLE OUTLINE . Created Date: 5/25/2023 3:01:00 PM Title:

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    What is a 5-paragraph essay? A 5-paragraph essay is an essay that is five paragraphs long. The first paragraph is the introduction, and the last is the conclusion. In between these two paragraphs are three body paragraphs. In brief, the five-paragraph essay can be outlined as follows: Paragraph 1: Introduction. Essay hook or attention grabber