Experiment: Full Wave Rectification (using bridge rectifier)

Name of Experiment: Full Wave Rectification (using bridge rectifier)

Theory: Rectification is a process by which alternating voltage is converted into a direct voltage. Semiconducting diode performs this work effectively. There are two types of rectifiers, viz.- half wave rectifier and full wave rectifier. A full wave rectifier is discussed below.

Bridge Rectification is the process by which alternating current (a.c.) is converted into direct current (d.c.) is called rectification and the circuit which is used in this work is called a rectifier. Rectifiers are mainly classified into three types: Half-wave rectifier, Center tapped full-wave rectifier and Bridge Rectifier. All these three rectifiers have a common aim that is to convert Alternating Current (AC) into Direct Current (DC).

In full wave rectification for both half of the input a. c. voltage current flows through the load resistance in one direction. For one half of the input voltage pair of diodes becomes forwardly biased, when the other pair of diodes remains in reverse biased. Again for the second half of a. c. input voltage the first two diodes become reverse biased and the second two diodes become forward biased. So the current flows through the load in one direction. In this way, in both halves of the a. c. input voltage across the load is produced in one direction. This d. c. output is not smooth d. c. but pulsating d. c. i.e., both a. c. and d. c. components are present in the output. In order to get pure d. c. voltage the output is smoothed by a filter circuit.

  • Step down transformer ,
  • Bridge rectifier,
  • Capacitor (330 μF or 50 μF),
  • Multimeter,
  • Oscilloscope,
  • Connecting wires etc.

Circuit connection: According to the figure below the electric circuit connection is made.

The primary coil of the transformer is connected with the a. c. supply. The two terminals of the secondary coil are connected with opposite terminals PQ of the bridge rectifier. The other two terminals of the bridge rectifier are connected to the capacitor and load resistance R L .

Working procedure:

  • According to the figure above the circuit, a connection is made. During a positive half cycle of the secondary voltage M terminal of the transformer becomes positively charged and N terminal becomes negatively charged. In this situation, diodes D 1 and D 3 become forward biased and diodes D 2 and D 4 become reverse biased. So, along MPD 1 BAD 3 QN current flows and across R L potential drops. Again during negative half cycle terminal M becomes negatively charged. So, along NQD 2 BAD 4 PM path current flows will be seen that current through load R L flows always in the same direction.
  • Wave shapes of the input and output are observed through the oscilloscope. Input and output will be observed as in figures (a) and (b).
  • The voltage across R L is measured by the help of oscilloscope.
  • If an oscilloscope is not available, a. c/d. c voltage can be measured by a voltmeter.

Precautions and Discussion:

  • Connections of the diode should be correct.
  • Terminals of the wires should be made tight.
  • Instead of oscilloscope a. c/d. c voltmeter may be used.
  • Step down transformer is to be used.

Characteristics of Reverse Biasing

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Electronic devices and circuits (ee225), university of engineering and technology peshawar.


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Preview text, half wave and full wave rectification.

Spring 2020


Submitted by: Ayaz Mehmood

Registration No: 18PWCSE

Class Section: A

“On my honor, as student of University of Engineering and Technology, I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this academic work.”

Student Signature: ______________

Submitted to:

Engr. Abdullah Hamid

June 22, 2020

Department of Computer Systems Engineering

University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar

The basic objective of this lab: 1. To know the basic uses of diode. 2. To know about Half wave and full wave rectification. 3. To know about the characteristic of half wave rectifier circuit and full wave rectifier circuit. 4. To design a circuit using diode and other electronic circuit. SOFTWARE USED: We will use proteus software to design half and full wave rectification circuit and show the output and input graph using Oscilloscope. COMPONENT USED: 1. Resistor 2. Ac voltage Source. 3. Diode (PIV should be greater) 4. Wires 5. Ground 6. Oscilloscope


A Half Wave Rectifier is a single PN junction diode connected in series to the load resistor. As you know a diode is to electric current like a one-way valve is to water, it allows electric current to flow in only one direction. This simple means the diode is operational when the diode is forward biased while it blocks the current when it is reversed biased. This property of the diode is very useful in creating simple rectifiers which are used to convert AC to DC. In Half wave rectification only the positive half cycle is obtained in output while the negative cycle is discarded.

Positive half cycle:

Here for positive half cycle the value of output voltage will be= Vm-Vd where Vm is amplitude of Input voltage and Vd is voltage drop across diode.

Negative half cycle:

Here for negative half cycle the value of output voltage will be= 0 because diode act as open circuit and no current flow in resistor so output voltage will be zero.



In half wave rectification only, we get the output when the diode is forward biased, we get zero voltage at output when the diode is reversed biased it means we are throwing away the negative or blocked cycle of the waves. It means half wave is not so much effective in Ac to Dc conversion Vout=Vm-Vd. Vdc/ Average of the output voltage will be 0(Vm-Vd). Vm is input voltage amplitude and Vd is voltage drop across diode.


The bridge rectifier: The Bridge rectifier is a circuit, which converts an ac voltage to dc voltage using both half cycles of the input ac voltage. The circuit has four diodes connected to form a bridge. The ac input voltage is applied to the diagonally opposite ends of the bridge. The load resistance is connected between the other two ends of the bridge. For the positive half cycle of the input ac voltage, diodes D1 and D2 conduct, whereas diodes D3 and D4 remain in the OFF state. The conducting diodes will be in series with the load resistance RL and hence the load current flows through RL. For the negative half cycle of the input ac voltage, diodes D3 and D4 conduct whereas, D1 and D2 remain OFF. The conducting diodes D3 and D4 will be in series with the load resistance RL and hence the current flows through RL in the same direction as in the previous half cycle. Thus a bi-directional wave is converted into a unidirectional wave.

Direction of current is represented by a blue zig zag line Negative half cycle:

Direction of current is represented by a blue zig zag line. PROCEDURES OF PROTEUS: 1. Open Proteus ISIS Schematic Capture. 2. Select the Component Mode from the left Toolbar. 3. Click On P (Pick From Libraries) 4. Add all the required components. 5. Res for resistor alternative/vsine for Ac voltage bridge for bridge diode. 6. Place the components on the workspace. 7. Wire up the circuit as accordingly. 8. Click on the terminal mood to add ground. 9. Click on the instrument to add Oscilloscope. 10. Connect the A terminal with start and B across resistor. 11. Click on Play Button on the bottom left to start simulation. 12. Check the graph in oscilloscope for full wave rectification. 13. To Design a PCB layout Click on the PCB layout button. 14. Make a PCB for the circuit from its component.



Half wave rectification, lab report assessment.

Criteria Excellent Average Nill

**Marks Obtained

  • Objectives of Lab**

All objectives of lab are properly covered [Marks 0]

Objectives of lab are partially covered [Marks 0]

Objectives of lab are not shown [Marks 0] 2. Half Wave Rectifier

Brief introduction of half wave rectifier is properly written. Labeled circuit diagram for half wave circuit from Proteus is shown. [Marks 2]

Introduction of half wave rectifier is partially written with no labeled circuit diagram from Proteus. [Marks 1]

Introduction about half wave rectifier is missing with no circuit diagram. [Marks 0] 3. Apparatus Used

All equipment and electrical components used are shown [Marks 0]

Equipment and electrical components are partially shown and some of the components are missing [Marks 0]

Equipment and electrical components used are not shown [Marks 0] 4. Procedure All experimental steps are shown in detail and properly written. Steps must include connection of function generator and oscilloscope, Vd ,Vo, theoretical, practical and oscilloscope readings. [Marks 2]

Some of the experimental steps are missing with no details about output voltage and theoretical, practical and oscilloscope readings measurement. [Marks 1]

Experimental steps are missing [Marks 0]

5. Observations & Calculations

All experimental results are completely shown in form of oscilloscope graph and table for both circuits of half wave rectifier for theoretical, practical and oscilloscope readings. [Marks 4]

Experimental results are partially shown and some of the observations are missing. [Marks 2]

No experimental results are shown. [Marks 0]

6. Analysis Analysis and discussion about all experimental results are shown [Marks 1]

Analysis and discussion about experimental results are partially shown [Marks 0]

Analysis is not shown [Marks 0]

Total Marks Obtained:__________ Instructor Signature: ______________________

  • Multiple Choice

Course : Electronic Devices and Circuits (EE225)

University : university of engineering and technology peshawar.

bridge wave rectifier experiment

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