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Willkommen in der Welt von FOCUS Research & Consulting!
Know the focus, welcome to the world of focus research and consulting., focus marketing research offers standardised information for more than 30 european countries. we are market leaders for communications strategies concerned with price and promotion mechanics. in addition to headquarter solutions, focus also offers optimal services in each country that are specifically tailored to the particular circumstances in each market., use optimal strategic information to beat your competition., complete information ensures a realistic picture of the market., use future-oriented technologies, intensive research and development, get the best information for retail presentations and retail negotiations, überholen sie ihre konkurrenz mit optimalen strategischen informationen, beste informationen für handelspräsentationen und verhandlungen mit dem handel, einsatz zukunftsorientierter technologie, intensive forschungs- und entwicklungstätigkeit, stay focused.
With our realistic and user-friendly information services.
Current Informations of the promotion market. Complete coverage - in real-time. Realistic and user-friendly information services.
FOCUS Marketing Research provides standardized information for more than 30 countries in Europe. We are the market leader in terms of communication strategy on price and promotion mechanics.
Football and Olympics inspire Europe!
Almost 5% more leaflets were distributed in 2021 than in 2020
Focus is a market research company and european market leader in terms of communication strategy on price and promotion mechanics. more than 1.700 clients and 38.000 users from industry and trade are the best proof for our quality..
standardized information for industry and trade
The Advertising Expenditure Measurement covers all advertisements of the entire advertising economy (based on the official tariffs of the respective media)
monitors all online-price informations which can be found on defined webpages of retailers in any audit frequency.
Advertising documentation can be used to precisely analyse communication strategies. All customers are informed by email about all new activities by their competitors.
Our sponsor monitoring records all brand appearances for sports events and in sports reporting that appear on TV and in relevant print media.
FOCUS will gladly advise you in all areas of quantitative and qualitative market and opinion research Research focuses on advertising success control and efficiency.
The aim of the study is to get a better consumer insight to media that are used for promotions.
is a standardized price-promotion-database, which monitors all advertised price promotions covering all items based on an European wide householdpanel and ads of all retailers in all relevant media types on a daily base.
SujetFOCUS is the service that FOCUS offers for the assessment of advertising material. This evaluation takes place through online surveys, providing therefore clear insights into what ACTUAL CONSUMERS think about each ad.
PR monitoring provides precise, valid information in the form of dates, advertisements (records) and assessment models that can help you analyse the PR market and optimise PR design and media selection.
monitors all activities, which take place on point-of-sale. This covers all price types, displays and display-types, facings, other qualitative criterias, that influence sales.
BrandFOCUS is the service offered by FOCUS specializing in tracking the success of your brand. This evaluation takes place through online surveys, providing therefore clear insights into how well-aware ACTUAL CONSUMERS are about your brand.
- Data Privacy Statement Market, opinion and/or social research
- Verband der Markt- und Meinungsforschungsinstitute Österreichs
- Verband Marktforscher Österreichs
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FOCUS is a market research company and European market leader in terms of communication strategy on price and promotion mechanics. More than 1.700 clients and 38.000 users from industry and trade are the best proof for our quality.