art of problem solving discrete math

Discrete Math: Problem Solving for Engineering, Programming, & Science

Discrete math: problem solving for engineering, programming, & science.

Discrete mathematics is used to solve certain types of math problems, such as how to count or enumerate quantities, and to describe their properties and the relationships among them. Discrete math is applied math: it provides the basis for much of computer science, statistics, and programming, as well as being integral to engineering and many different scientific disciplines. Discrete math helps to find solutions to every day, real-world problems.

In this course, students are introduced to the fundamental concepts and cover some of the essential techniques of discrete mathematics. With emphasis on the problem solving and a very hands-on approach, students will master concepts and techniques such as number theory and graph theory.

Topics Include:

  • Ordering and sequences
  • Integer functions
  • Divisibility and primes
  • Graphs and trees
  • Counting and probability
  • Asymptotics

Practical Experience:

  • Apply graph ideas to model simple situations
  • Compute probability of some simple events
  • Verify the correctness of an argument using truth tables
  • Describe some simple expressions using big-O notation

Course Typically Offered: Online, quarterly.

Prerequisites: Strong understanding of college algebra.

Next Steps: Upon completion, consider additional Applied Mathematics coursework for continued learning.

More Information:  Please contact [email protected] .

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  • No refunds after: 10/7/2024

Instructor: Maryam Verdian Rizi, PhD

Maryam Verdian-Rizi, Ph.D, is a researcher in Graph Theory. Since young age she has been sharing her passion for mathematics through teaching. She enjoys problem solving and has received an award in an international mathematics competition. She is an advocate for incorporating real-world problems and online tools in mathematics teaching.

  • No refunds after: 1/20/2025

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