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    malte andersson experiment

  2. An Introduction to Life on Earth

    malte andersson experiment

  3. Solved Malte Andersson's experiment Malte Andersson

    malte andersson experiment

  4. Malte Andersson

    malte andersson experiment

  5. Review the field experiment conducted by Malte

    malte andersson experiment

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    malte andersson experiment


  1. Malte Nilsson

  2. Multiball practice with Mattias Andersson in Eslov EAI BTK

  3. Meine TOP 5 SPlELPLATZ-GERÄTE 🤓🙌#turnen #top5 #lustig #backflip #experiment

  4. Imzedrifts Malte Bengt 0001

  5. Andersson&Högdahl

  6. Das Experiment


  1. PDF Female choice selects for extreme tail length in a widowbird

    Malte Andersson Department of Zoology, University of Gothenburg, PO Box 25059, ... In the present experiment, females chose from males with shortened, normal or elongated tails. The

  2. PDF Female choice in widowbirds

    Andersson, M. Nature 299, 818-820 (1982). 2. Darwin, C. ... MALTE ANDERSSON Department of Zoology, University of Gothenburg, PO Box 250 59, S-400 31 Gothenburg, Sweden Matters Arising

  3. Female choice selects for extreme tail length in a widowbird.

    Studied female choice in relation to male tail length in the long-tailed widowbird. Findings indicate that males whose tails were experimentally elongated showed higher mating success than males having normal or reduced tails. The possibility that intrasexual competition among males maintains the long tail was not supported: Males with shortened tails held their territories as long as did ...

  4. Female choice selects for extreme tail length in a widowbird

    (B) In the long-tailed widowbird (Euplectes progne) in Africa, such an experiment was actually carried out by Malte Andersson (1982), who experimentally manipulated tail length by cutting and ...

  5. Long-tailed widowbird

    Andersson experiment. Malte Andersson and colleagues tested Darwin's (and Fisher's) theory of female preference for ornamentation as the cause of extreme elongation of the male long-tailed widowbird's tail. They changed the length of males' tails and studied their relative mating success. Early in the breeding season, the territories of thirty ...

  6. Female preference for long tails in lekking Jackson's widowbirds

    The experiment was designed to create pairwise comparisons between males with different tail Andersson: Preference for tails at widowbird leks Table L Natural variation in tail length in the study population Tail length (cm) Minimum X_+ SD Maximum N All males in breeding plumage 12.0 19.9 _+ 2-4 24.5 277 Males known to display at a lek 14.5 20. ...

  7. Female choice selects for extreme tail length in a widowbird

    Andersson, Malte; Abstract. Darwin's 1 hypothesis that male secondary sexual ornaments evolve through female preferences is theoretically plausible 2-7, but there is little experimental field evidence that such preferences exist 8-10. I have studied female choice in relation to male tail length in the long-tailed widowbird, Euplectes progne ...

  8. Female choice selects for extreme tail length in a widowbird is a platform for academics to share research papers.

  9. Female choice selects for extreme tail length in a widowbird

    It is reported here that males in which the tail was experimentally elongated showed higher mating success than males having normal or reduced tails: males with shortened tails held their territories as long as did other males. Darwin's1 hypothesis that male secondary sexual ornaments evolve through female preferences is theoretically plausible2-7, but there is little experimental field ...

  10. Experimental evidence for female choice and energetic costs of male

    However, whereas female choice of both normally and supernormally elongated tails are confirmed by selection analyses (Andersson 1989;) as well as experiments (Andersson 1982(Andersson , 1992 ...